Our Blog

Why choose South Africa as your filming location?

Why choose South Africa as your filming location?

South Africa’s booming film industry continues to attract international film makers. Breathtaking and diverse locations in very close proximity to the city, clement weather, rainbow faces, best-in-the-world crews, government incentives, and an attractive exchange...

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How two top studios partnered up to bring Westeros to life

How two top studios partnered up to bring Westeros to life

Few series generate as much anticipation and excitement as HBO’s multi-award winning Game of Thrones. With the last season of the epic fantasy drama due for release in 2019, fans are chafing to find out how it will all end for the Seven Kingdoms as the White Walkers...

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Shoot your TV commercial at Atlantic Studios

Shoot your TV commercial at Atlantic Studios

The Commercial Producers Association of South Africa (CPASA) found, in its 2017 annual survey, that the industry appears to be dipping, with fewer service commercials done than in previous years. Describing the last ‘season’, Moonlighting CEO Phillip Key decried it as...

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Amended performing Animals Protection Act

Amended performing Animals Protection Act

The following letter regarding the implementation of the Performing Animals Amendment Act has been released by the Dr Roelof F. Hugo, a State Veterinarian within the Department of Agriculture for Veterinary Services: Amended PERFORMING ANIMALS PROTECTION ACT (PAPA;...

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Lollos shoot upcoming DVD at Atlantic Film Studios

Lollos shoot upcoming DVD at Atlantic Film Studios

One of the most loved Afrikaans children’s TV shows Lollos, recently shot their upcoming DVD at Atlantic Film Studios. Let Lollos, Lettie, Choma and Zandi entertain your little ones with fun, educational content that stimulates their creative side as well as their...

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kykNET seeks new comedy writers

kykNET seeks new comedy writers

Do you have an idea for a TV sitcom? Can you see and hear those characters that you know audiences will relate to? Impossible situations with hilarious results? Now is your chance to propose an idea and it might just be developed further by the Afrikaans channel on...

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NY African Film Fest celebrates notable movie makers

NY African Film Fest celebrates notable movie makers

The New York African Film Festival returns on May 16 and is celebrating its 25th anniversary starting with screenings at the Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center. The festival will feature the leading and notable African filmmakers instrumental in introducing a wave of...

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